Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wrestling Submission Holdsfor Woman

Cuba and agricultural issues.

allow greater access of producers to market extended scheme of land usufruct

Cuba maintain the state monopoly on agricultural trade but will allow greater access and direct from the producer to market and expand the system of usufruct land, as the final version of the economic plan that passed Congress last month communist.

The fate of the field is one of the most debated issues in recent years, to the extent that idle island has almost a third of arable land and must import food prices rising, this year a few thousand 500 million dollars, according to official reports.

The debate over what to do with the commercial monopoly called "collection" had been reached last December to the point of having the highest possible arc of views, as revealed Marino Murillo then vice president, from hard to release control completely.

Farmers are forced to sell most of their harvest to the system of "Collection", which in turn determines prices. At the congress of the National Association of Small Farmers (private and cooperative) Last year, the producers demanded greater freedom of trade.

In a recent interview with Space Lay Catholic magazine, economist Pavel Vidal said that the "bottleneck" of the Cuban countryside is in the "collection" and said his removal "would generate the credibility that is required for delivery of vacant land give the expected results. "

The sixth congress of the Communist Party of Cuba (PCC) decided to "transform the collection system (...) with more agile management mechanisms, as was in the original draft of the plan, adding" the possibility that the producer attend the market with their own. "

At the same time, Congress endorsed the joint policy proposal to limit trade in strategic food centralized and give "a more active role in the mechanisms of free competition for the rest of the productions."
Murillo had informed parliament of the island in December that in 2011 the state monopoly control the distribution of only 21 products and the rest will go to supply and demand.

The PCC also endorsed the proposal to spur the autonomy of producers and monetary and commercial relations. However, he rejected the proposal to "wean" las cooperativas de la intermediación estatal y en cambio aprobó para ese caso la fórmula de “autonomía de gestión”.

Las precisiones aparecen en los Lineamientos de la Política Económica y Social del Partido y la Revolución, como se llama el plan aprobado por el congreso, que empezó a circular esta semana.

Entrega de hectáreas ociosas

Los lineamientos no detallaron la forma en que se ampliará el régimen de entrega de tierras en usufructo, pero registraron que habrá las “modificaciones que correspondan” para impulsar esa forma productiva y facilitar la construcción, conservación y rehabilitación de viviendas en el campo.

In its report to Congress, President Raul Castro announced that it will expand the current limits of supply of idle land in usufruct, which is now 13.42 acres for those who have farms and who can exploit up to 10 years renewable.

Official reports available until last March, Cuba has 6 million 600 thousand hectares of arable land and considered idle one million 868 thousand hectares, which have been delivered in usufruct one million 191 thousand hectares or 63 percent.

However, 77 percent of the land given (922 hectares) is considered "putting into use" formula indicating any preliminary task, but not necessarily the beginning of the operation.


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