Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Gratis Smell Fett In Nylon

The amazing self, is one of the narcos.

The new 'Knight Rider' for Zeta
The military seizure of the latest model of the 'Monster' of the Zetas
After the shooting, he had a scratch on the body
A mechanism on the back loose nails and oil in flight

When after the shooting, the military approached the vehicle the gunmen could not believe their eyes: not a scratch on the body, only flat tires after a long exchange of fire.

The vehicle was properly seized, is what the military has dubbed 'Monster' to refer to huge SUVs that use the Zetas, cars in which the gunmen invest part of their profits from drug trafficking to entrentamientos survive with the other rival cartels, the military and Federal Police.

And in view of the latest model confiscated, it seems that security measures are becoming more sophisticated. Not provided the image after the raid that took place in Tamaulipas, but it has transpired that the vehicle had everything, even a mechanism in the back to pull nails and oil during a persecueciĆ³n.

The state body also shows that the shielding, which is usually installed in the windows of vehicles that excess weight does not reduce speed much too, has spread to the rest of 'car-tank' with a resistance higher than level 6, which is the approach used, for example, the guards of the governors.

Then, the military has been shown that, despite that, the 'Monster' is capable of reaching 110 kilometers per hour, compared to 40, which limited the speed before the flight of the gunmen.

Inside, the vehicle itself of an action movie, also has a larger capacity. And on top, has two outlets where they can shoot with rocket launchers, grenades and rifles.


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