eras of more teens this form was lost.
But today is that the use of electricity, our venemerita president has decided to back up an energy-saving plan based on this small modification. As of December 30 this year, will implement a new use schedule, ie, clocks are turned ahead one hour. This would allow a better use of sunlight from 6:35 am (when will the sun now) until 21:05 (approximate time of the fall of the sun). However, other measures would be implemented in the field of public administration and private.
- reduction of technical losses are recorded in street lighting by replacing the oldest fixtures and the installation of sensors for fault detection and verification of proper lighting of the lamps.
- in homes will drive the replacement of ordinary bulbs by energy saving lamps and cameras request business a reduction in night lighting of shop windows and billboards. In
opportunity to dialogue with journalists, Minister Julio De Vido stated: "The secret we have not had the crisis (energy) as long announced was that, rather than ourselves to answer, we went to work," said , also, said that today will be a recount of everything that is being built at this time, "since in many cases is unknown depth and extent of the works."
Remarkably, in reference to this "national plan", it has the support of the governors of the provinces of Santa Fe and Buenos Aires, in which case the respective Governors are announcing measures to be taken thereon in the rtanscurso of the day.
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