The small Lakshmi twin stopped developing in the womb of the mother. As surviving fetus, Lakshmi absorbed the limbs, kidneys and other parts of stunted fetus.
The complications for Lakshmi's surgery are enormous: The two spines are merged, the girl has four kidneys, entangled nerves, two stomach cavities and two chest cavities. In addition, Lakshmi can not stand or walk.
A team of neurosurgeons separated the two spines, and will now try to remove the extra limbs and then the rest of "parasitic twin," said Dr. Sharan Patil, the orthopedic surgeon who oversees the operation. The surgery began Tuesday morning.
"She is responding very well," Patil told reporters outside the hospital Sparh in the southern city of Bangalore.
Patil warned however that the operation would take "many, many hours" _ up to 40 hours and it involved 30 surgeons.
Before starting, Patil said there were 20 to 25% chance that the child dies during the process.
"It is a collective effort of many surgeons who put their heart and soul to solve the problem of Lakshmi," Patil said.
was not immediately clear whether the doctors hoped she could walk or stand _ before the operation, their limbs were severely atrophied.
Lakshmi was named after the Hindu goddess of prosperity, which has four arms, and many in his impoverished village in the northern state of Bihar idolize the girl said her father, Shambu. ___________________________________________________________________
Source: http://ar.news.yahoo.com/salud
photos: http://www.clarin.com
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