So says Lily Sriwahyuni \u200b\u200bSulistiyowati Tuesday, Health Ministry spokesman, in an article published in the Warta Kota newspaper. She said the farmers as Dede (32 years) do not want to take them away, and less if a foreigner were to analyze the blood. Dede
limbs and face covered with a gray growths. His hands have completely disappeared under something like a clump of coral about 30 centimeters in diameter. The television channel Discovery Channel has just made a documentary about him. U.S. doctors offered to treat him, but met with refusal by the Indonesian government.
Dermatologist Anthony Gaspari of the University of Maryland, examined Dede and concluded that the huge wart outbreak is the result of the combination of a human papillomavirus (HPV) and an anomaly gene that prevents the body fight infection.
consulted by the AFP, Dr Gaspari said he keeps his intention to treat Dede. "My initial plan is to send medicine to a local doctor in Indonesia to be the taking. If that fails, I would have no choice but to make him come here (to America)." __________________________________________________________________
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