Tuesday, November 27, 2007
What To Write On An Aniversary Of A Death

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Xd Rockstar Grills For Chevy

But still not over this!! Just one more month left for us to live in 2007, which was full of new experiences, and other objectives achieved outstanding for the year q are coming ...

For now all we ask is that although it is a different year-end, hard ...
ARMEN PARTY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
, SI! This 2007 I finish with you love, in Montevideo ...

THE LOVE (though I say I dove q)
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Problems With Rc Phantom Helicopter

So says Lily Sriwahyuni \u200b\u200bSulistiyowati Tuesday, Health Ministry spokesman, in an article published in the Warta Kota newspaper. She said the farmers as Dede (32 years) do not want to take them away, and less if a foreigner were to analyze the blood. Dede
limbs and face covered with a gray growths. His hands have completely disappeared under something like a clump of coral about 30 centimeters in diameter. The television channel Discovery Channel has just made a documentary about him. U.S. doctors offered to treat him, but met with refusal by the Indonesian government.
Dermatologist Anthony Gaspari of the University of Maryland, examined Dede and concluded that the huge wart outbreak is the result of the combination of a human papillomavirus (HPV) and an anomaly gene that prevents the body fight infection.
consulted by the AFP, Dr Gaspari said he keeps his intention to treat Dede. "My initial plan is to send medicine to a local doctor in Indonesia to be the taking. If that fails, I would have no choice but to make him come here (to America)." __________________________________________________________________
Friday, November 16, 2007
What To Write Dad's Wedding Card

The head of the official, Maria José Lubertino, today told reporters that the aim of the initiative is" to move to a concept of parity, balance, and not at the expense of men "
In one of the articles of the draft states that" the organs of administration, representation, internal control and control of commercial companies, local or foreign, that may be plural, should be composed of not more than 60 percent of same-sex "
same quota-assuring at least 40 percent of women in the areas of decision-establishing for the State companies and public entities with business object
Among the reasons for the initiative is "the fact that women have been and continue to suffer from various forms of discrimination, Although equality between men and women is a universal legal principle recognized in international instruments on human rights, "said in a statement
INADIFor the body, in the Argentine companies" remaining wage discrimination, the largest unemployment, lack of women in positions of responsibility and reconciliation problems between the personal, work and family which shows that it is necessary to implement positive actions aimed at promoting real equality between women and men "
Lubertino noted that the bill has the support of Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, Argentina's first woman elected by popular vote to occupy the presidency, a post he held from 10 December. EFE nk / ltm
___________________________________________________________________ From
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Tennessee Booster Seat Rules

The small Lakshmi twin stopped developing in the womb of the mother. As surviving fetus, Lakshmi absorbed the limbs, kidneys and other parts of stunted fetus.
The complications for Lakshmi's surgery are enormous: The two spines are merged, the girl has four kidneys, entangled nerves, two stomach cavities and two chest cavities. In addition, Lakshmi can not stand or walk.
A team of neurosurgeons separated the two spines, and will now try to remove the extra limbs and then the rest of "parasitic twin," said Dr. Sharan Patil, the orthopedic surgeon who oversees the operation. The surgery began Tuesday morning.
"She is responding very well," Patil told reporters outside the hospital Sparh in the southern city of Bangalore.
Patil warned however that the operation would take "many, many hours" _ up to 40 hours and it involved 30 surgeons.
Before starting, Patil said there were 20 to 25% chance that the child dies during the process.
"It is a collective effort of many surgeons who put their heart and soul to solve the problem of Lakshmi," Patil said.
was not immediately clear whether the doctors hoped she could walk or stand _ before the operation, their limbs were severely atrophied.
Lakshmi was named after the Hindu goddess of prosperity, which has four arms, and many in his impoverished village in the northern state of Bihar idolize the girl said her father, Shambu. ___________________________________________________________________
Source: http://ar.news.yahoo.com/salud
photos: http://www.clarin.com