violence and welfare.
, violence and welfare
By Luis Linares Zapata
A substantial part of Mexican society has demonstrated an acid active discomfort that harasses. And it has been shown by the segment more aware of it. Large set that also have ever achieved acceptable levels of personal and family development. The discontent led to the streets is worthy of consideration for each and every one of the actors who occupy positions of authority, wealth, distribution or influence. Whether political parties, government in its various branches and levels, media, unions, churches, business organizations or the multitude of these cells has fathered integrated society itself. Everyone has a duty to meditate on what is happening in the country and act accordingly.
It is coming to points of conflict where the desired return to normal turning becomes difficult. Just the system of organized life of the country is no longer able to prolong indefinitely its current modus operandi. The prevailing state of affairs has exhausted its capacity to improve living conditions for many years. It was conceived, it is true, for the welfare of the majority or to ensure that you are massively increasing opportunities for development. It was a network devoid of feeling, full of selfishness and amounts invested.
The few times they have been taken to introduce corrective amendments were wasted or, frankly, overriding cynically tricked by the elite drivers. Only the inertia, the huge mass of intertwined interests complicity to unlawful (including illegal) and misuse of equipment of propaganda have been this bad continuity of a system of privileges for some and exclusion for everyone else.
its attendant violence and insecurity are not cured, however, occasional police actions of the repressive forces. Nor prioritizing the approval of tougher laws steamed emergency, collective anger or revenge barely contained. Fewer still requesting waivers snapshots of the irresponsible in the first instance, should never have senior positions.
demand drastic changes in the strategies, behaviors, or modes of operation of the embedded at the top of decision-making is, in the end, sterile. Even when the dots that make up the list of demands are well targeted and based on proven experience, either agreed upon and supported by the knowledge of the authors, the final spin, mostly on security issues. The inclusion of focus for youth (recreation, work or education, for example) is known to spare, hatch their outputs in the medium and long term.
However, the close relationship between insecurity, violence and inequality is in the rear instead of taking the central role. The parties are not going to change their ways of operating or remove them from their nests and so continue in the struggle for their piece of power. Some more, others with less intelligence or sensitivity. Candidates will already foreshadowed preset routes. But some are better than others and will be able to distinguish.
The basic Mexican distorts reality lies almost intact for several decades.
That disrupted the causal basis of the decline and the point at which there is urgency to address the look and channel the collective energies. Much can still be done to improve coexistence. But this improvement could not come from the pinnacle of power. The reason for the refusal is simple: the very top is, in fact, a substantial part of the problem that afflicts the nation. Mr. Calderon was launched into battle without the legitimacy required. Decided, alone, taking a swipe copy and occupy the center of public life.
mobilized the enormous strength of the Army without a proper battle plan to support on their flanks to the soldiers. The work of previous intelligence was faulty, partial, misguided threat to the regions and groups of thugs. The rush to settle in the Presidency, ill-gotten in the polls, unleashed led to a frenzy of blood and pain. And so, with growing resentment continues sporadic banging little to the victory that, in this case, you will return to a decent, productive and safe. Much will be made to arrest, to handcuff bellicose behavior, elusive and inefficient.
There need to prepare for what is already looming possibility of starting the reconstructive task of the country. She will, no doubt, long and full of sacrifices. You have to start work armed with a different model of government. One that responds to people in their needs and desires and not, as the current one, designed to maintain and increase privileges for the few. Choosing reliable and honest leadership is the goal. Grant the legitimacy of the majority voting to give a clear mandate to be servants and not meet the ambitions of their relatives, accomplices or patterns.
Instead of waivers should be required to master Calderón not to waste scarce resources that need. Stop the waste of the high bureaucracy that surrounds it. That billion dollars that has been used to prime a golden layer of central bureaucrats with expensive benefits may well be intended to create hundreds of thousands of jobs, invested in educational and recreational facilities for young people today expect as unhealthy option, be recruited by organized crime.
That social discontent to forget that the plutocracy that rules, cares little about life, welfare or the pain of others. They want to squeeze a bit more workers, precarious wages, take what's left of Pemex, inducing favorable rules to follow without taxes and enlarge, in excess, their privileges and impunity. Will be in the upcoming presidential election when you can force the change of route, or continuous pattern killer. It is hoped that this collective turning point blown up by the drive, then the transformations that are required.
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