Monday, June 22, 2009
Backpacking Vietnam With Dslr
After the characterization of my blog, which was great (with 10), I must say I am very happy, and partly because they have given us the holidays, and now have the best you can, and enjoy these three wonderful months summer to leave, etc ...
I wish you all a happy summer, but I'll write more here.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Anorexia Before And After Recovery

not going to miss you, every time we look like you're not, let's open a mail with your letter or watch your videos and you'll always be ... in memory of listeners.

Farewell, FERNANDO!!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Lyrics For Spain Marukaite Chikyuu
Today, one day less for classes, and you could say happy, but there is still a test that other ... Today
hang a song that I like.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Left Side Pain Just Above The Waist
After a few days without updating entries for final exams, I speak a little of what is left for vacation, which is nothing!. Class
have until Friday, and are already under examination, to be passed with flying colors and have a good summer at the beach, swimming pools ...
I also ask Jose, which is good scoring blogs, and kindness to our notes! haha!.
Well, hope you'll have a good week and good and summer vacation.
to another!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Shiny Pokemon Properties
Today I will post a text he wrote a friend and colleague of mine at the conservatory of music, and what it means to her.
time ago, I got the bright idea to look in the dictionary of the English Royal Academy the true meaning of music. So he argued that music is the art of combining sounds of human voices or instruments, or of each other at once, so that produce delight, touching sensitivity, whether happy or sad. " It was not all bad. In fact, I thought it was a good definition and I was satisfied.
But soon, very soon had to return to play the piano. To reinvestigate the sounds of the keys, to cajole and enjoy a melody after another, with the vague feeling that the RAE had left a bad taste in my mouth. And is that any musician or fan of her know that not only sounds

For this reason perhaps, the greatest happiness of the performer is to receive a round of applause from which it is understood that his music has meaning. Moreover, in many cases, after receiving little money for such an interpretation.
Book Mozart syndrome Gonzalo Moure was what made me think more then the initial question. As it says: "You'd think the music is simple music. And it may be true. But music is something more: the explanation of what needs no explanation. "And so, after reading this, I kept two candles. Certainly think that is extremely rhetorical but meditate and then associate that term with the sound on the piano, I realized it fit better with what I felt that the term of the SAR. Trying to express inexplicable emotions ... Or maybe the only way to express everything perfectly is to music.
Finally, let me in conclusion that music can not be defined, and if you type in a search term, we are wrong. Should type in all cases the emotions and feelings that can be recreated by entering the ear. But for that, there are no words. Just music.
Carolina James M.
Monday, June 8, 2009
9 Weeks Pregnant Herpes Outbreak
After a few days, here I am again updated, this long bridge to mark the day of the Region of Murcia. Today
hang a song on youtube of James Morrison, a young English singer, and is called broken strings. The Nelly Furtado sings. Here leave your website ( ) and video of the song, hope you like:
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Sony Dvd Player Sr200p Configure Remote With Tv
Well, after a few days without updating the blog, continued his update. Here I present a poem by GarcĂa Lorca (Gen. of 27), entitled "Alba"
My Heart Feel
oppressed by the dawn

his love pain And
dream of distances.
The light of dawn brings
Seed of nostalgia and sadness
eyeless In the heart of the soul.
The great tomb of the night
Her black veil
up with the day to hide
The vast starlit summit.
What shall I do about these fields
nests and branches surrounded by the aurora
night and full of soul!
What will I do if you have your eyes
Dead at
bright lights and not to feel my flesh
The heat of your eyes!
Why I lost you forever
clear in that afternoon?
Today my heart is dry
As a star off.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Konstantinos Delimitsos
Well today, to remember old times, I'll let the lyrics of my favorite song in the last two years ... It's beautiful! =)
Now that my voice has become
in just a sigh
I must rest.
Today that half of my way
evidence has beaten me
and made me mourn.
I know that time will heal
although nothing remains the same;
I do not want to resign,
I know so far
at the point where hayaba
the disease
feel that life is like a thread
is cut suddenly, without warning
And in the dark room
need to hear your voice.
now sleep with me,
If dawn without you
I do not know that would be me.
Today's death has shown me and their
letters and do not understand the play
try to go out, I do not want to admit
my solitude.
sleep only five or six minutes
undirme enough in the storm.
The demons that are under the bed tonight
not Cayan;
not let me.
The clock strikes six,
hardest thing is the end,
and light
will settle on the glass.
Monday, June 1, 2009
What Age Does The Gynecologist Pop Ur Cherry?

Well last weekend, again we have been through Monday, and begins a new week and one week less to finish the course.
This is running on the one hand I'm sorry, but I have another holiday and do many things and have time for everything =). I think once in a while is good holiday.
Well, I'm saying goodbye, it's late, tomorrow will update more detail.